搜索 G?zde

  • 海亚特和朋友们一起前往伊斯坦布尔,想要在那里找到立足之地。实际上,海亚特的家人并不支持她在他乡生活,因此,父亲给海亚特下了最后通牒,如果再找不到工作,他就会断了她的经济来源,逼她回归家乡。  一天,海亚特来到了一家名为萨特的纺织公司应聘,本以为此行希望不大,哪知道海亚特竟然顺利的被录用了。之后,海亚特才知道,她在阴差阳…
  • In a clinic affiliated with the Istanbul police, the history that Sahir, who is in charge of abandoning suicide, wants to forget him, will catch him with a mysterious message one day. Sahir will meet with Bilge, a mysterious science woman. Having clues about the answers of questions that never came out of his former wi…