搜索 Mitchell

  • Sir David Attenborough is to present and narrate a new landmark film, Climate Change: The Facts for BBC One. The documentary will provide an urgent look at the science of climate change and the potential solutions to this global threat, combining footage that reveals the already devastating impact of climate change on …
  • 僵尸博主
    Feature length adaptation of the cult British zom-com web series following the adventures of three inept survivors of a zombie apocalypse through a video blog they maintain to ease the boredom of day to day survival.
  • 死亡谷2021
    雇佣兵们去营救一名被囚禁在冷战遗存的地堡中的生物工程师。 在进入不祥的设施后,他们发现自己要为生命而战,因为他们遭到了一种未知的致命生物的攻击。
  • 爹地的完美女孩
  • Itisbasedonamotheranddaughterwhodealswithanuncertainthreatthatbringsthemclosertogetherasablend.
  • 再见甜心
      After escaping abduction, a frantic woman must coerce an exhausted truck driver to hide in the back of her truck for the night. The two women take refuge not knowing what the rest of the night has in store.
  • 吸血家族汤普森
      由Mitchell Altieri和Phil Flores执导的吸血鬼电影《汤普森一家》(The Thompsons)是2007年恐怖片《汉密尔顿一家》(The Hamiltons)的续集,也被称为《汤普森:汉密尔顿2》,由原班人马拍摄和演出。  在续集中,因为加油站遭到血洗厮杀,这家人不得不逃难到英国,并且换了个新身份,成了“汤普森一家”。他们非常渴望得到这个陌生国家的…
  • 逃亡鳄鱼岛HD
    供职于某旅游杂志的记者皮特麦克卡尔(Michael Vartan 饰)参加了一个在澳大利亚卡卡度国家公园举行的水上冒险旅行团。不过这次旅程对寻求刺激的人们来说似乎过于枯燥,美丽的女导游凯特瑞恩(Radha Mitchell 饰)带领大家进入尚未开发的水域。正当游客们享受这令人惊叹的湖光山色之时,不远处的天空升起了求救的信号弹。凯特不顾大家返回的要求…
  • 喜剧片喜剧
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