搜索 Giacobbe

  • 恶魔的尾巴HD
    一位年轻的护士在一家老城医院开始轮班。 在一个奇怪的幻影之后,一位最年长的护士告诉她,一位名叫摩尔先生的病人几年前进入了医院。 他的身体在一场大火之后被完全烧毁。 摩尔先生被医生紧急手术。 但是没有人愿意帮助他。 疼痛和药物让他发疯——一天晚上,一名护士去了他的房间,但他的床是空的。 再也没有他的消息了。 铃声打断了故事。 …
  • 红书召魔
    Three friends decide to play The Red Book game. What they don't know is that in the house, evil is waiting to be released. There a witch died as part of a satanic ritual. Every question they ask, they get closer and closer to her.
  • 庇护:扭曲的恐怖和幻想故事HD
    Brandon prepares to give his last stand-up comedy show. As his stories and jokes pass, the public begins to cheer up. But at that precise moment Brandon will realize that these stories have a strong relationship with his past. More than he imagines.